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CSK Training Portfolio

Das große Bid-Management-Kompendium


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CSK Training Portfolio

CSK news

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CSK Management officially approved to support APMP Practitioner OTE

APMP ATO CSK Management is one of the first ATOs (Approved Training Organizations) that is officially approved to help candidates achieve their Practitioner OTE (Objective Testing Exam). The Practioner OTE is the new format of the APMP Practitioner replacing the 33-question essay assessment, which has served APMP well for a dozen years. The Practitioner OTE will be a multiple-choice on-line exam based on a scenario provided. Members will use their industry knowledge and professional experience to match the correct answer to the scenario situation. The exam will take about 2.5 hours to complete.

Just as it was before, the Practitioner Level certification is designed for professionals with 3-to-7 years of experience. The only requirements for taking the new Practitioner OTE is that you must have passed Foundation and you must have at last three full years as a bid and proposal professional.

The new format will be launched later this year, probably in summer 2019. If you’ve started pursuing Practitioner Level certification through the assessment model, you have until July 22, 2019, to complete the assessment.

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